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11 Mar 2019

How to Thrive

Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, CAFCI

You simply must read (or listen) to the book THRIVE by Arianna Huffington, of The Huffington Post fame. I was recently reminded of it after listening to an interview with her. So much wisdom! So, much so, that I want to give you the 12 highlights of the book and a wonderful little poster that serves as a reminder of these. Yes, as a physical therapist, I am trained to treat the aches and pains in your physical body… but all of us need to do a better job of taking care of ALL of the parts that make us human! Read on please!


Arianna Huffington’s 12 Steps to Thrive

Step 1. Get 30 minutes more sleep tonight.

Step 2. Move your body.

Step 3. Meditate at least 5 minutes a day.

Step 4. Use your inner wisdom and let go of what you no longer need.

Step 5. Start a gratitude list.

Step 6. Turn off your devices each night (and get them out of your bedroom).

Step 7. Focus on your breath for 10 seconds whenever you are stressed.

Step 8. Pick an image that ignites you in joy (and view it often).

Step 9. Forgive yourself for any judgement you are holding against yourself.

Step 10. Make small gestures of kindness.

Step 11. Make a personal connection to the people you might normally take for granted.

Step 12. Use a skill or talent to help someone benefit from it.


There’s not much I can add to this. I think it’s a beautiful list and a lovely way to start living better! I urge you to try it!

Arianna Huffington 12 Steps To Thrive




