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01 Aug 2018

I never knew my cuboid could feel so good!

By Laurie Edge-Hughes


Don’t worry, this isn’t an x-rated blog!  You all have a cuboid!  And your cuboid should feel good!  The problem was that mine didn’t for a long time!


About a month ago I twisted my ankle.  I was running into the house and kicking my shoes off simultaneously in an effort to get to the phone before the answering machine picked up.  I was successful with one shoe, but not the other.  The shoe-flicking-fail resulted in me twisting my ankle… but not in the normal sideways motion, more in a forwards and sideways motion.  See, I sort of started the ‘roll over’ while in a ‘tippy toe’ position.  A very weird roll!  It turned out to be a telemarketer anyways!  Argh!

Twisted Ankle




When I evaluated my ankle after the incident, I found I could walk on it just fine.  The typical ligaments that get torn with twisted ankles weren’t tender when I poked at them.  I figured I just irritated the joints.  I lasered my ankle, and I figured it would all settle out.


Over the month, the acuteness dissipated but it just felt like it needed a ‘crack’.  It hurt when I would try to go up onto my tippy toes, but otherwise, it just felt uncomfortable.  Simply ‘not right’.  So being that I’m a physio I tried to mobilize some of the joints myself.  That didn’t work.  I taught both my husband and my son to do an ankle manipulation (pulling on the foot), but that didn’t do the trick either!  I was at a loss!


Then… to my good fortune, I was complaining about my foot to fellow therapist, Sue Van Evra, and she just happened to have a free 30 minutes to check out my ankle!  I jumped at the chance!  I had suffered for a whole month with this ankle, and I knew I needed someone to be able to objectively look at it (Not my mechanic husband, or my 18-year-old son)!  I needed someone with actual training and skill, and I wasn’t able to assess my own foot worth a damn!


Ankle Joints


Sue found that my cuboid was stuck dorsally (i.e. jammed up more towards the top of the foot).  She mobilized it.  It was still stuck.  So, she had to have our assistant Megan come in and hold me down (okay, I gest, she just had to hold my leg in place so that Sue could really torque on my cuboid!) Well, that she did… and immediately it felt different.  I’m not going to lie… it didn’t feel ‘better’ right away, but it did feel like something had changed.  Then she mobilized the whole of the ankle a bit more so that everything was moving correctly. 


When I got up to walk, it immediately felt RIGHT!  Ahh! So, good!  And as I write this, it’s only a day later, and I can’t believe how good my foot finally feels now that my cuboid is moving correctly! THANK YOU SUE!


What is the moral of my story?  Don’t ignore that nagging injury.  There are likely plenty of little injuries that are lingering in your body!  Why not see what can be done??  The advantage for you is that you can talk… just imagine how frustrating this must be for your dog!  Call US for YOU (and call the Canine Fitness Centre for your dog!)


Cheers!   Laurie 


