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27 Feb 2016

Why is my back so sore from sitting??

Spine   Do you sometimes find that after sitting at a desk for a while or sitting on the couch watching a movie, you get up and your back is stiff and sore? When you look at a normal spine from the side, you can see that there are curves that form an ‘S’ shape.

These curves act like a coiled spring that allows us to absorb loads on our spine – think about jumping off a curb and landing with knees bent and knees straight – with knees bent, your legs can absorb the impact, but with knees straight –all of the force is through the knee –ouch!  The same thing applies to the spine –with normal curves, our spine can absorb loads (lifting heavy things, or the impact of running). 

When you sit, it is important to maintain that s-curve. 

Sitting Posture               

Bad PostureUnless you are sitting in a way that maintains that curve (ie using a pillow in the small of the back, or an adjustable ergonomic chair), then there is prolonged stress directly on the spine. This stress can cause pain in the joints or discs between the vertebrae, the muscles, ligaments, nerves, etc.

Also, there are many muscles that attach to our spine – if these muscles get tight, they can pull on your spine. An example is the iliopsoas (hip flexor) muscle. 

Hip Flexor Muscle  When you are sitting, this muscle is in a ‘shortened’ position…and it can get tight after sitting for prolonged periods. When you get up to stand, the muscle can pull on your spine and cause soreness…the best way to prevent this is to stretch the muscle periodically through the day! 

Just get up and move!    Remember too that our bodies are meant to move! Any position for too long (standing, sitting or lying!) can cause stiffness and soreness. It is important to change positions frequently throughout the day!



