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14 Apr 2019

Are You Squatting Enough?

By Laurie Edge-Hughes












I bet you had to think about that! Maybe you thought there was a typo in that title. But no! It’s exactly what I mean. Squatting is a good preventative maneuver for your knees!

Now, those of you with knee problems are likely thinking, “YIKES”! However, maybe trying to squat more often could take care of that.

Here’s a helpful (and I think slightly motivational) video on the topic!



I injured one of my knees about 10 or 12 years ago… popped a ligament – the one that holds the small fibula onto the larger tibia. Anyways, it swelled up like crazy and severely limited my range of motion in that knee. I treated it for pain and swelling in the early phases, but later on my biggest issue was the lack of flexibility. However, on my side is my job of treating dogs.

Getting down to the floor and up again several times a day, as well as sitting on the floor in all sorts of positions has meant that my knees bend as well as they did when I was 5, 10, 15, or 20 years old!!! My joints feel the worst when I sit all day long doing computer work or travel by plane. A day of up and down, up and down, and my body feels better than a less physical day!

So, here’s a plan. Start to squat! If you can’t make it all the way down at first, start by squatting onto a block (like a yoga block) or a kid’s chair. Alternately, hang onto a railing, a counter, a table, or a chair. Grab a pole, or start with your back against the wall. Go to where you can and stay there for a bit. Squatting and being able to hold a squat will be goal number 1.










Your second goal is to get down and up again. Getting up from the floor, and the power to do so is going to help your knees as well. I’ve heard suggestions of at least once a day, to three times a day. All in all, just get started.

Get one squat out of the way, right now! Keep going for 2 weeks, and I think you’ll start to notice a difference. Good luck! And happy knee bending to you all!



Squat Pole 

 Squat Box



